August 29, 2006 11:26 pm  /  Uncategorized

We stayed a day longer than I had planned, but it looks like my mom’s ready to get out of her mom’s house. Ironic?

I’m stealing wireless internet from my Grandma’s neighbors and downloading podcasts for the car ride home. I needed a new radio-transmitter for my iPod for the car trip. Target had a couple different ones for 50 bucks give or take, but instead I opted for this, which was less than half the price. Half.

Whatever. I’m secure in my masculinity, and I <3 On the Media. And Science Friday.

[ 05/09/2006 11:05 am ]

so are you gonna like keep posting here or what? come on man, you got fans now… pressure pressure

[ 08/09/2006 12:42 am ]

Sorry, dude, the Muse is a fickle mistress. Fickle like the sea. Arrr.

I’ll keep posting, but probably in fits and spurts. In the meantime, I’ll add your link to my page. You still in MN?