September 27, 2006 2:42 pm / Uncategorized
Keep Tahoe Minnesota Blue
Oh, fuck this.
I wish I had something much more profound to say, but that’s about it.
“Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty told them that the area is ‘perfect’ for their plans…Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman added, ‘This is our time.'” [Star Trib. Online]
Reportedly, the two nodded in agreement, with Pawlenty laughing boisterously as Coleman rolled his fingers, murmering “ehhhxcellent.”
And the sad but true part:
“…[Minnesota] has become more of a swing state in the last decade, and Bush made the presidential race close in Minnesota in both 2000 and 2004. Minnesota narrowly supported Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry over Bush in 2004.”
I know it’s a way’s out, but seriously.
protest opportunity