One memory in particular I have about Rev 105 is being in 6th or 7th grade and listening to special feature about Soul Coughing. They devoted a whole hour of air-time to the group, featuring live and unreleased tracks interspersed with interviews and pre-produced segments about the band’s history and development (narrated, I think, by Mary Lucia). It was cassette-tape “gold,” and tape it I did. (Where is that tape today? Did I record over it?)
Remember how we used to collect our music?
You’d hear a catchy song on the radio but miss the ID, so you’d call the station. “That song. What was that song?” and you’d hum a few bars for the DJ, approximate a few misheard lyrics. “I think there was a trumpet?” And then she’d tell you what it was.
The next day you’d call the station to make a request, and they’d promise play it sometime within the hour. You’d wait at your parent’s stereo, your finger hovering in anticipation over the red circle on the tape deck. 90 minutes passed, and then:
“By request, here’s…,” the first few bars already creeping up beneath her voice. You’d fumble for the “rec” button.
And so you collected whole shoe-boxes of mixtapes with no particular unifying theme, each song missing the first few seconds because, of course, you needed to hit “rec” and “play” at the same time.
Sometimes I imagine myself standing on the very cusp of the amazing-rest-of-my-life just waiting to unfold. And I’ve got everything I need.
I live in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, and my rent is reasonable. I live in a comfortable apartment, with the biggest bedroom of any place I’ve ever lived, in a neighborhood I love. My landlord is friendly and responsive to my concerns. I can see the Empire State Building from my roof. I am friends with my roommates, and we avoid cable bills by watching TV on the computer. I am friends with my neighbors, who offer me cold drinks and jerk chicken hot off the grill on weekends.
I was in Minnesota a few weeks ago to see my friends Joel and Melissa get married (mazel tov!). We went to high school together–Joel and Melissa are high school sweet hearts of 10 years–and so the wedding was like some kind of awesome high school reunion curated by dear friends. While I was in town, a few of the other wedding guests, my buddies Ryan and Charles, invited me to “go running around the lakes” with them.
For any New Yorkers reading this, The Lakes are a chain of beautiful tree-lined lakes circumferenced by public parkland and nestled in a mostly residential neighborhoods of Minneapolis. Lake Calhoun is a mile or so from where Joel, Ryan, Charles, and I all grew up. Running around a lake is roughly equivalent to a lap around Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, which, by the way, is something I haven’t done in a very long time. Lake Calhoun is about three miles around–not that far at all, but a fair distance if you’re not in shape (which I am not).