October 5, 2006 10:38 pm  /  Uncategorized

Hay Que Ver Si Voy

Sometimes when I’m unable to put something out of my mind, when I’ve put myself out there and done everything I can think of within reason to turn things my way and all I can do is wait and see what happens or what might come back to me, I re-read old journals, letters and emails I’ve written, as if that could somehow give me better perspective on where I am here and now. But instead I guess it just puts you right back where you were when and where you wrote those words.

Yes, I was a de facto English major.
Yeah, that was quite the run-on.
Yes, I’ve been drinking martinis and dreaming of a sea change.

September 27, 2006 2:42 pm  /  Uncategorized

Keep Tahoe Minnesota Blue

Oh, fuck this.

I wish I had something much more profound to say, but that’s about it.

“Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty told them that the area is ‘perfect’ for their plans…Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman added, ‘This is our time.'” [Star Trib. Online]

Reportedly, the two nodded in agreement, with Pawlenty laughing boisterously as Coleman rolled his fingers, murmering “ehhhxcellent.”

And the sad but true part:

“…[Minnesota] has become more of a swing state in the last decade, and Bush made the presidential race close in Minnesota in both 2000 and 2004. Minnesota narrowly supported Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry over Bush in 2004.”

I know it’s a way’s out, but seriously.


September 19, 2006 3:46 pm  /  Uncategorized

Try the foul sandwhich.

September 18, 2006 1:26 am  /  Uncategorized

I write a lot of stuff I wouldn’t even put up here. But as for as public self-reflection goes, I think that for the most part I know more of who I am and what I want than most, which is something.

September 12, 2006 12:20 am  /  Uncategorized

Can you believe we once had a president who assured us that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself?”

I get earnestly patriotic–and I mean without any tinge of irony–when I pause to think of all the things that have made our nation a good place to live in and the rights and privileges we as Americans have come to cherish, enjoy and frequently take for granted, and how far too many of these things have been actively and steadily dismantled right in front of our very eyes since around the time we reached voting age.

Here’s the deal, see:

I want to live my adult life in a place where I can be paid to do things that will engage me–preferably in a way that is socially productive in some way–for the majority of my life, and then retire in peace.
I want to make just enough money to be financially independent enough as to not worry about it too often, to have lodging where I can sleep comfortably through storms, and to allow me and anyone I share my table with to eat good, interesting, healthy food all of the time.
I want to be generally content with things more often than I am not, including but by no means limited to: supporting education as one of if not the most important investment we can make in our nation at any point in history, that women (and men) have the right to make decisions about their own bodies and health, that people can travel and communicate freely without fear or persecution, and that children deserve safe places to play during the time in their lives when they don’t have to worry about these kind of adult concerns because, hey, they’re just kids.
I want to love and be loved, and for the sanctity of love to be acknowledged and cherished between any two people who are lucky enough to find it.
I want to kick this manipulative, polarizing, ignorance-feeding, fear-mongering, hate-breeding sorry excuse for a political administration and their ilk in the nuts, hard and repetitively.

In any order, that would pretty much about do it.

I don’t particularly see myself ever running for any kind of public office aside from being an informed participant in our fragile “experiment in democracy,” but I’ll be damned if I let the next person who tells me I’m wrong for thinking any of the above get off the hook easily.

That is all.

August 29, 2006 11:26 pm  /  Uncategorized

We stayed a day longer than I had planned, but it looks like my mom’s ready to get out of her mom’s house. Ironic?

I’m stealing wireless internet from my Grandma’s neighbors and downloading podcasts for the car ride home. I needed a new radio-transmitter for my iPod for the car trip. Target had a couple different ones for 50 bucks give or take, but instead I opted for this, which was less than half the price. Half.

Whatever. I’m secure in my masculinity, and I <3 On the Media. And Science Friday.

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