Newark Musuem – Blackout: A Commission by Paul Henry Ramirez

March 26, 2010 9:52 am  /  Uncategorized

Here’s the most recent podcast I helped put together for The Newark Museum.  Because the video was made to promote the commission, we needed to record the podcast long before the installation was finished.  We asked the curators and artist to imagine giving us a virtual tour of the completed space, reminding everyone to speak in the present tense.  Then I recorded a bunch of ambient sound in the court–footsteps, murmuring, etc.  When it came time to mix the audio, I was able to layer the ambient sounds with the edited interview and a little bit of room reverb to give the feeling of walking through the redesigned court as Ramirez gives you personal tour of his installation.

Note: The audio quality is significantly better if you watch in 480p or higher resolution.

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