O-SPAN2: NASA Scientists Plan To Approach Girl By 2018
NASA Scientists Plan To Approach Girl By 2018
I spent a little time getting the right “room sound” for this one, but there aren’t a lot of overt sound effects. I did, however, have some fun with the Q&A section toward the end of the piece.
Obviously the goal was to make it sound like a real press conference, so I listened to a few examples. When reporters ask questions, sometimes they’ll pass a wireless mic from person to person (though this seems more common in town-hall style meetings as opposed to press conferences). More often, there’s just one noisy mic picking up the sound of the entire room, and usually it’s nowhere near the reporter asking questions. So in order to make the reporter audible, they either crank up the volume and/or add a ton of dynamic compression–this makes their voices louder but also introduces a lot of background noise.
I decided to split the difference between emulating both approaches; the reporter would start asking a question through a noisy room mic and somebody would eventually pass her a handheld mic. The original audio for this bit was pretty clean, so I ran it through a subtle overdrive effect and then a reverb plugin to emulate the sound of the reporter “in the room.” Then I mixed that with some generic “electronic hum” noise and a recording of me fumbling around with a hand-held mic. I faded-in the reporter’s voice as the hand-held mic “gets closer” to her, and then ran the entire submix into a heavy compressor plugin. I added some low-midrange EQ and a little more reverb on the submix after the compressor to fake the “boominess” a of mic before it starts to feed back. Lastly, I added a little general crowd murmuring before each question, as if the reporters were jockeying to ask a question.
All this for a couple of seconds of noise, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
I love the background on this one. Did you record the coughs and door slams or was that from a library?
The door slams were just part of the ambience tracks I used, but yeah, the coughs were something I layered in post. It seems like there’s always some random dude coughing in the background at these things.